Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Chandelier Makeover!

When we moved into this house there was an UGLY Chandelier in the Dining Room. We are on a very limited budget right now so buying a new one isn't going to happen for a long time, so I had to come up with a way to fix it!!

So I decided to try and fix it myself. I went to Home Depot and bought a can of Hammered Black Spray paint for $8.

Here is the before:

I took the chandelier down and took the glass pieces off. (Sorry I forgot to take pictures during the process).

I then had my hubby cut the top ring off that the glass piece hung from using wire cutters, and he sanded them smooth.

I put paper towels in all of the light bulb holes so I didn't get spray paint in them.

I took it outside and and hung it from a tree to spray paint it.

It took 2 coats.

Here is the after:

What an improvement and for only $8!! YAY!! I love that it kind of has an old farmhouse look, which is how we are decorating the house!

Before and after:

So what have you taken and given it a different look for your house?

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